3rd Ear Experience – Incredible Good Fortune (2014)

“3RD EAR EXPERIENCE is a new genuine space rock band recording musical improvisations in a little studio situated out in the highlands of Joshua Tree/Mojave Desert, just where some of the members live… Three days of free form jams led on to the self-released debut album ‘Peacock Black’ which is comprised of four extended tracks. At times being courageously experimental they abandoned formal arrangements and allowed the music to flow in a cosmic sonic dialogue between fellow musicians and stargazers. The result is summing up trance-like and groovy excursions, Kosmische Musik in the Berlin School vein as well as dramatic and otherwordly moments.”


Mythic Sunship – Ouroboros (2016)

“With a band name mingled from album titles by John Coltrane and Sun Ra one might expect Mythic Sunship to be jazz band. However, this is not quite the case, although the Copenhagen quartet shares a similar sense of exploration and general untamedness with that of the two masters of cosmic jazz. The destination is transcendence alright, but the vehicle, ultimately, is assembled from decades of ROCK… where ferocious drum-pounding and thick, Geezery basslines adds fuel to an endless pyre of blazed-out dual fuzz guitar action. This stuff is wild.”


Dhidalah – No Water (2017)

“The history of heavy psychedelic music has been always lead by trios, such as The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Blue Cheer, Ash Ra Tempel, Sleep, Earthless, etc… In 2016, Japan has Dhidalah, a roaring psychedelic doom trio. The group’s name comes from the mythological giant Daidarabotchi, which was believed to create mountains and land with its enormous size, much like Dhidalah’s sound. Give yourself up to their cosmic jam, and feel yourself float around in space. Their sudden, crashing waves of sound will surely turn you to cosmic dust.”

