Madmess – Madmess (2019)

“Madmess is a Portuguese trio. They carry in their luggage the famous “Porto Fog”, a dense haze, colored with psychedelic sounds with 70’s lightning and punctuated by heavy thunderclaps. They deploy their magic fog into the room to take the entire audience on a journey from the edge of a rugged desert beaten by the winds to the outer edges of distant galaxies.”


Lee Van Cleef – Holy Smoke (2016)

“Clearly influenced by bands like Earthless, Black Bombaim, and Electric Moon the three musician have clearly clicked in a serious way to have produced an album that is worthy of comparison to these three terrific bands. The music has that marvellous balance of tightness and improvisation that mark out bands who stand out in the stoner/ space rock bandlands; an area that can be littered with all sorts of debris that often means you cannot see the planets from the asteroids. Fee Lee Van Cleef, however, come through like a gas giant…heavy, fluid and impossible to overlook.”


Acid Guru Pond – Acid Guru Pond (2016)

“The album opens with a bit of pastoral psych before it moves into heavier tones and the ozone burn of AMT and Guru Guru can both be felt. Its not as slung with rhythmic chug as one might expect given that Guru Guru is involved, rather the combo seems to be coasting on melted vibes that roll through floor puddled zone out to the clash of free jazz ramble (specifically “Orange”). By the time “Red” rolls around the record drops into noisier territory, smoldering in full on cinder-psych territory, uncomfortable in any position and twisting to break free of its constraints.”

