Guerrera – Mauna Loa (2014)

“A treaty of stoner, psychedelic, blues and classical rock based on their lysergic staging that dazzled the critics and the public in several dozens of concerts throughout the Iberian peninsula… Mauna Loa is the biggest volcano in the world and it places us immediately: its new album is one dense sallad bowl of all the previous work, splashing every now and then some black music, Latino beats, improvisation and darkness. It smells just like a historical album because, just as with great dishes, we love the flavor but the elaboration is a mystery.”


Rostro del Sol – Rostro del Sol (2021)

“The debut Album from Mexico City’s Rostro del Sol, is a musical collage of Blues, Jazz, Funk, Progressive and Psych rock from the golden eras of the 60’s and 70’s, which offers unexpected moments, developed trough diverse sonorities & intensities as the music goes on, each song is intended to tell a history on it’s own, just listen and set your imagination free to find the essence inside.”


Dire Wolves (Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band) – Flow & Heady (2020)

“Dire Wolves (Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band) put forth a sound of ecstatic improvisation, each member documenting coordinate points in the higher dimensions of cosmic free-rock. The music lies somewhere near the nebulous intersection of psych, kosmische beat and spiritual jazz. These are exploratory journeys, transportive trance-based experiments in vertical listening, totally collaborative and often forming spontaneous compositions. The focus is more about feeling than any specific approach to playing. Psychic rock for the mind and body: breathe deep and grow towards that light, dig.”


Karaba – Live in Vienna (2020)

“Five young guys from Munich. Skilled and tight on their instruments and deeply rooted in the heritage of all kind of wild forms of jazz, krautrock and psychedelic music. The kids began to jam together when starting to study music in 2012. Being from Munich, a town where legendary Kraut Rock bands like Amon Düül, Guru Guru and Embryo came from, the Karaba guys are obviously influenced by these german kraut and psychedelic sounds.”


Between – And the Waters Opened (1973)

“Peter Michael HAMEL founded BETWEEN, an international band specialised in improvisational / « ethnic » rock music. The name Between comes from the fact that Hamel’s music is originaly “in-between”, always making a combination between “popular music” and “serious music”… “And the waters openened” recorded in 1973 carries on improvisations and acoustic exploration, played in a rather “spacey” rock atmosphere, sometimes closed to krautrock, weird flavour.”
