Category: psychedelic rock

Dire Wolves (Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band) – Flow & Heady (2020)

“Dire Wolves (Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band) put forth a sound of ecstatic improvisation, each member documenting coordinate points in the higher dimensions of cosmic free-rock. The music lies somewhere near the nebulous intersection of psych, kosmische beat and spiritual jazz. These are exploratory journeys, transportive trance-based experiments in vertical listening, totally collaborative and often forming spontaneous compositions. The focus is more about feeling than any specific approach to playing. Psychic rock for the mind and body: breathe deep and grow towards that light, dig.”


Kombynat Robotron – Dickfehler Studio Treffen I (2020)

“Kombynat Robotron is a four-piece, heavy freak-out, Krautrock Band hailing from Kiel, Germany. All four band members play in other bands and met for a jam in April 2018. After that they decided to form a band but to just keep on jamming instead of writing songs. In June of that year the band recorded several sessions that were released under the names Modul 12 and Modul 13 on tape and via Bandcamp. Their ‘Robotronic’ music features a wide range of influences due to the different sonic backgrounds of the band members; Krautrock-grooves that smoothly evolve from outer-space spheres into psychedelic and stoner-rock vibes and back to Krautrock.”


Population II – Population II (2017)

“Introducing Population II-blazing through the stratosphere, boiling up from beneath the sea, hanging in the air like smoke… These elemental tunes drift and fluctuate, at one with the air, over extreme heat. Population II has beamed out of Quebec with a mind-melting debut [À La Ô Terre] of hard psych, freckled with punk sentiment. Both old school and timeless, these young humans rip. They are impressive in their live actions and this album captures this raw energy on wax. Produced by Manu from the great band Chocolat, a very high bar has been set, indeed. Fluid, tough, and over-saturated, this album is bound to please fans of the label and new-comers alike. Reminiscent of Amon Düül, early Pink Floyd, Kollektiv, Laurence Vanay, Les Olivensteins, early Kraftwerk, even a touch of the Kinks.”

